
Empower yourself!

It’s your fucking birthright!


Gratefully based on Duwamish territory & land of Seattle, Wa.

Specializing in trance mediumship and channeling. Additionally, she is a highly attuned empathic spiritual healer, intuitive development teacher, mindfulness practitioner, spiritual & life coach, Reiki Master, herbalist, animal communicator, and creative artist. She is professionally certified in Chinese, Ayurvedic, and Northern Herbalism. She studies and practices meditation, and its effects on consciousness. She is a Shambhala Buddhist.

“As a mindfulness practitioner, I have received extensive training (and consider this to be a lifelong practice of continued dedication towards education around these fields;) with diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility, trauma-informed healing, end-of-life care support, emotional intelligence coaching, neurodiversity liberation training, and more. I believe that our sessions can and will go beyond the limits of what is right here in front of us, and that coming back to the present with the presence of the body (meaning we feel safe if not safer to be with ourselves,) mindful awareness, and digestible practicum you want to apply in your everyday. The participation required of you and myself as spectacular beings with great purpose in the world can be more beneficial with the assistance of powerful tools and practices that are not only offered to us by the cosmos and can be spoken to right here in our realities. I want you to walk away with practical tools and resources you can assist yourself with at any given time. For your spirit, your ancestral background, your physical body and mind, heart, and beyond. For now, for tomorrow, and forevermore.”

She has a radically authentic, genuine desire and compassion towards her practice. And has been seeing clients professionally since 1995. Her spiritual awakening began at a very early age. Exhibiting exceptional clairaudient capabilities and openly communicating with multi-dimensional beings, and energies. It was when she was 8 years old that she had a life-transforming out-of-body experience that then opened Magda and her family up to the spiritual and metaphysical path she walks along today. She has studied under powerful teachers and mentors, some from this dimension and some not (many of her teachers are from the multi-dimensional field. These include Ascended Masters, Archangels, spiritual entities, angels, E.T.'S,  and Source itself). Her primary mentor in this time-space reality is called Pen Onaraha. Pen is also a Buddhist, teacher of tarot, personal coach, and Bruja.  And Terilyn Wyre powerful Earth goddess and yoga teacher. BBMAGDA has also studied tarot in-depth under SevenStar. Reiki under Phi Nguyen. Her Buddhist teachers include; the late and honorable Chogyam Trungpa, his student Pema Chodron and the many Archraya’s, and Shastri’s she’s studied with.

BBMAGDA has taught and facilitated events in the Seattle area, New York, and Palm Springs, California. These include moon phases and planet workshops, new and full moon gatherings, guided meditation, Reiki, shadow workshops, talks on her experience of being psychic, as well as workshops on awakening and enhancing your own psychic experience (e.g. You're Not Crazy; You're Psychic) 

Additionally she loves the power and magic of aromatherapy and has created scents with intention. They are ready to wear custom oil blends, sprays, and candles. For healing, enhancing, connecting and, of course, smelling amazing.

Magda is Mexican, Russian, Ukrainian. Greatly appreciative of her cultures reverence in it’s own magical and spiritual practices.

MISSION: To provide healing assistance, education, activation, witness, and community to all who desire to engage in the art and practice of the personal and collective metaphysical, magical, and self empowering path. 
